By: Kelly Gordon
When The New York Times reports unemployment numbers are “off the charts,” you know the job market’s tough.
We’ve all read the bleak headlines of how the class of 2020 is entering the worst job market since the Great Depression. Within health care alone, 1.4 million workers were laid off or furloughed in April, according to Newsweek, due to losses in hospital revenue during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The jobless rate decreased slightly from 14.7% in April to 13.3% in May, and we anticipate the number to continue declining as elective surgeries, appointments and procedures are rescheduled this summer. Anesthesia services are in high demand across the country overall, and employment is projected to grow 17% for nurse anesthetists by 2028, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Whether you’re a nursing student considering the industry outlook or a seasoned nurse ready to take your skills to the next level, we’re sharing 4 benefits to becoming a contract CRNA.

1. Higher pay reports CRNAs are the highest paying nursing job, closely followed by general nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists. Despite typical differences in income between staffing CRNAs and independent or traveling CRNAs, Ethos offers its nurses a competitive pay and benefits package, a 100-150% increase in net pay, 401(k) and bonuses to ensure each contract is worth your while.
2. Flexible schedule
Health care is known for its long hours. As hospitals cut back on staff during the pandemic, those hospital shifts have grown even longer for some. With travel contracts, nurses gain autonomy over their location and schedule, denoting days off at the start of each contract to guarantee time off.
3. No politics
CRNAs working as a W2 in a hospital setting typically get caught up in undesired politics within the operating room of the hospital with anesthesiologists and surgeons. As an independent or traveling nurse, you’re only in a facility for six to 12 weeks, allowing you to avoid those uncomfortable situations and the monotony of staying at a facility long-term.
4. Not just a number
We at Ethos understand what it’s like to be a travel nurse because we’ve walked in your shoes. I’ve worked in health care and hospitals for two decades, developing relationships with nearly every hospital in the Kansas City metro and, eventually, going into business for myself. I recently merged my company, Dynamos Anesthesia Services, with Ethos to change how health care is delivered and to provide more opportunities to CRNAs throughout the Midwest and beyond.
The job market is tough. With travel contracts, you’re able to stay gainfully employed on your terms. CRNAs play a critical role in health care, and they’re in high demand. Reach out to our team to find out how we can make your path our purpose.
Kelly Gordon, RN, BSN, MA, CRNA, is Chief Anesthesia Executive Officer at Ethos Medical Staffing. Kelly is dedicated to empowering CRNAs in their exploration and pursuit of adventure, opportunity and service. You can connect with Kelly on LinkedIn or on Facebook.